Appraisal Form

{{csrf_field()}} @if(isset($appraisal_section))
PART - 1
@foreach($appraisal_section as $main_key => $section) @php $i = 0; @endphp

{{ $main_key + 1 }}

@if($allocate_count <= 0) @if($main_key == 0) @else @endif @endif
@foreach($main_question as $key => $main_section) @if($main_section->section_id == $section->id) @endif @endforeach
{{ $main_key + 1 }}.{{ $i + 1 }} @if($allocate_count <= 0) @if($i == 0) @else @endif @endif @php $i++; @endphp
PART - 2
@if($allocate_count <= 0) @endif @foreach($extra_question as $e_key => $e_que) @if($allocate_count <= 0) @endif @endforeach
To be filled by the Appraiser/Appraisee Filled by Appraisee
employee_allow == 'Yes' ? 'checked' : '' }} name="employee_allow_{{ $e_key }}"> @if($e_key == 0) @else @endif
@foreach($category as $keys => $cat) @endforeach
Sr. No Category Range Description
{{ ++$keys }} {{ $cat->cat_name }} {{ $cat->range }} {{ $cat->description }}
@if($allocate_count <= 0)
PART - 1
PART - 2
To be filled by the Appraiser Fill by Employee
Add Category

@if(session('done')) @elseif(session('edit')) @elseif(session('error')) @endif @include('components/footer')